Teithiau Cerdded ac Ymweld
Mae ymweliad i ac o gwmpas Cymru yn haeddu cynllunio da. Rydw i’n arbenigo mewn teithiau cerdded wedi ei harwain, gyda hanes, diwylliant, bwyd a diod a cherdded gwych, yn ogystal ag arbenigo mewn teithiau ac ymweliadau unigryw i bob rhan o Gymru, gyda theithlenni diddorol, trafnidiaeth ddiogel a chyffyrddus a phrofiadau pwrpasol sydd ddim ar gael gan amlaf i ymwelwyr.
Os hoffech fynd i gerdded ar hyd llwybrau arfordirol godidog, trwy goedwigoedd hudolus ac o gwmpas trefi a phentrefi hanesyddol, ac os hoffech chi gwmni da, golygfeydd arbennig, y cyfle i ddysgu am hanes a diwylliant yr ardal a chyfle i brofi cynnyrch Cymreig, yna fe nai sicrhau i wneud eich diwrnod neu’ch ymweliad yn un arbennig iawn. Rydw I’n angerddol ynglŷn â Chymru a’i llwybrau cerdded, gan gynnwys y Llwybr Arfordirol unigryw o gwmpas Cymru, a dwi’n gynnig gymaint yn fwy na cherdded o A i B yn unig. Trwy fy nghyflogi i, fe gewch chi arweiniad personol, ymweliadau diddorol, cyfleoedd blasu, gwybodaeth hanesyddol, awyr iach a cherdded heb ei ail. O, a thipyn o hwyl hefyd!
Yn ogystal â cherdded, rydw i’n medru cynnig profiadau unigryw, o ddrws i ddrws ac o orsaf i orsaf, i unrhyw ran o Gymru sydd ar eich rhestr i’w fwynhau, gyda gwasanaeth personol ac unigryw dros Gymru gyfan, petai na fwy o amser gennych. Tau bwyta rhagorol, llety ar gyfer pob cyllideb, atyniadau, gerddi, traethau, cestyll a nifer o brofiadau pwrpasol ac unigryw na fydd yn bosib eu mwynhau fel arfer!
Cysylltwch â fi naill ai ar fy rhif ffôn neu ar e bost a gadewch i fi wybod i ble fase chi’n hoffi mynd, maint o amser sydd ganddoch a beth hoffech ei wneud a’i weld a gadewch i fi eich tywys o gwmpas Cymru brydferth!
Gŵyl gerdded Am dro yn Y Fro
Gadewch i ni siarad
Cysylltwch â Chris heddiw a gadewch i ni siarad!
Ffoniwch 07779 712293 neu e bostiwch
On his walks, not only do you do a good hike, but you also learn so much about Wales on the way.
Not only with fascinating fact'n'figures about the area walking through, but also from 'special guests' that pop up in costume along the way, full of historic tales that make you go home and Google more. This walk also featured music - a harpist, and a traditional choir - and started with breakfast, which kept us fuelled for the hike. A traditional Welsh breakfast for a traditional national day, including cockles and laverbread. Scrummy!
As was the contents of the free goody bag we got, including coffee, a G&T, and Welsh cakes, all from local producers. Chris always celebrates Wales, its language, land, and local businesses, which is wonderful.
So I would heartily recommend going on any walk led by Chris. His personality also attracts wonderful participants, so you can come alone, in a couple, or a group and make new friends, which I have done. Plus they are safe. Chris knows the routes backwards, and makes sure no one is ever left behind, with plenty of stops to ensure the more leisurely walkers stay part of the group, without the fast walkers getting frustrated. Most importantly for me is that the walks are (well-behaved) doggy-friendly. And he always has a few tasty treats in his pockets for my dog, which means he loves the walks as much as I do.
Diolch yn fawr iawn Chris, we are already looking forward to the next one!
Chris’ organisation was spot on. He pulled together a fantastic programme....Best value for money event that we have attended since we arrived in Wales.
A memorable breakfast and perfect hospitality and we were SO proud to be Welsh.
Thank you so, so much. We'll certainly consider other led walks by Chris.
10 days in May Vale Walking Festival
Enjoy 10 short videos of the 10 walking routes promoted by Visit the Vale, as part of the ’10 days in May walking festival’. The videos were produced by producer and cameraman Geraint Francis and they give a short flavour of the terrain, landscapes and scenery on each walk. Take a look and come and join me on my guided walks in the Vale of Glamorgan, with history talks, food tasting, good company, amazing views and plenty of fresh air!
10 days in May Vale Walking Festival
Enjoy 10 short videos of the 10 walking routes promoted by Visit the Vale, as part of the ’10 days in May walking festival’. The videos were produced by producer and cameraman Geraint Francis and they give a short flavour of the terrain, landscapes and scenery on each walk. Take a look and come and join me on my guided walks in the Vale of Glamorgan, with history talks, food tasting, good company, amazing views and plenty of fresh air!