My Blog

A new venture in 2021!

Hello! 2020 has been quite a year and I, for one, will be glad to see the back of it! I have an exciting new venture starting in 2021 and I am very pleased to say that I will be starting a new part time post with Bridgend college in South Wales, as ”entrepreneur in residence’. I can’t wait to advise and help students and young entrepreneurs who have business ideas, who want to start their own businesses and I look forward to being part of the wonderful Enterprise team at the college with the fabulous Ruth Rowe. Wales is a particularly good place to be an entrepreneur, with so much help and support schemes from government and organisations and I’m very proud to be able to give something back, after many years years in the freelance and self-employed world. Have a great Christmas and above all, STAY SAFE, STAY HEALTHY, STAY SANE and let’s ALL work NOW towards a better 2021!

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